March/April 2020 Newsletter 

Dear Friends of UNLAD,

We hope this note finds you safe and well, while we all face this this unprecedented global COVID-19 crisis.

We got back to the US on March 14th, immediately following President Trump’s declaration of closing entry to the US from Europe.  Since then, both in the Philippines and in the US, contagion has spread without any end in sight, and our communities- here and there- have locked down.  From what we hear, the lock down in the Philippines is more severe, with passes required even to buy food. 

While the gravity of this pandemic looms, we hope sharing this update will help lift our unsettled feelings and bring a smile of hope.    

When you last heard from us in early February…

UNLAD, with the support of our kind benefactors and the collaborative work of our community of teachers, parents, school administrators and students had just launched the Baruyan Elementary School’s first two new after-school programs: Arts and Athletics. Twenty-five fourth to sixth graders are participating in the Athletics program, focused on Basketball; while another twenty-five first to sixth graders are participating in the Arts program, focused on Visual Arts.

Since then, and until the mid-March lockdowns


Our kids learned basic drawing/painting techniques using watercolor, acrylic, pastels, oil.  We watched the student learn to draw with… are you ready for this?  MUD!  Yes, mud… admittedly one of the most sustainable drawing materials in this part of the world.  All you need is a canvas, some mud, and some good old cooking oil to seal the art.   And, of course, some talent!   

Under the dedicated and caring watch of our Arts coordinator, Ms. Donna Calanog, assisted by volunteer parents and local artists, the students found a new learning environment that encouraged curiosity, discovery and creativity.

The students were getting ready for an end-of-March exhibit, which, unfortunately has been postponed as all schools were required to close mid-March.

“I didn’t realize my daughter is so creative.”

“The hour goes so fast, they get so much done.”

“Our walls are now full of our son’s drawings.”

“I can’t wait to see what I’ll draw today!”

“Art is FUN!”


Under the committed stewardship of our sports coordinator, Mr. Lito Cantos, we set up the first basketball hoop at BES.  With the skillful coaching of local Councilor Christopher Driz, the students received structured workouts and drills, and came to a full understanding of the rules of the game of Basketball. 

We watched the students engage in scrimmage sessions, with Allen jumping in to provide some defensive and offensive coaching tips!

The core team of 12 students have been selected, and “plays” were just being developed to play vs the second team when the schools were required to close in mid-March.

“Our son isn’t on his cell phone all the time anymore.”

“I like to watch my friends play.”

“It’s one thing I really love: basketball!”

See you courtside when school opens again!


Let’s do what we can to stop the spread of COVID-19.  Stay home.

Let’s grieve with everyone who have lost their loved ones. 

Let’s stand beside our front-liners: the physicians, nurses, medical workers who are tirelessly saving lives. 

Let us unite to do what we can to help our youth be safe, hopeful, kind, resilient, and strong.

Remember… small acts matter

Our partners, Save the Children, Philippines have requested us – and we have heartily agreed - as co-Founders of UNLAD and advocates for all youth, to lend our voices and participation in their COVID-19 program.  This program aims to provide the most vulnerable families in the Philippines with the basic preventive supplies of soap and cleaning solutions. 

“Small acts matter”.  Please help Save the Children in its effort to protect the most vulnerable children during this difficult time.