2021 May/June Newsletter

We welcome June and the summer season with much hope and anticipation, as COVID-19 vaccinations become more available and accessible.

Still, the two sides of the world wherein UNLAD works - the USA and the Philippines - couldn’t be more different.

Across the USA, we witnessed the entire country’s re-opening during our epic cross-country drive in May. As of the beginning of June, the Center for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) in the US reports that 40% of the US population has been fully vaccinated and 50% have received the first dose, these rates increasing on a daily basis.

The Philippines, however is lagging far behind, with US News reporting as of June 2nd that only 14% of its senior citizens and 8% of people with health conditions having received first doses of a vaccine. As recent as May 31st, the government announced its extended ban on local and international travel.

Despite these challenges, we’ve continued our work in both countries towards providing our underserved youth and their communities with much needed access to education.

Here’s a quick update since our March/April newsletter.

In the Philippines…

At the Baruyan Elementary School (BES) the work we started in January is bearing fruit and contributing to the students’ ability to complete this school year successfully.


Provisioning of Ink and Paper Supplies enabled the physical printing and distribution of educational modules to the 400+ students by their 15 teachers, requisite to sustained learning in an environment where internet connectivity is lacking and government support is inadequate.

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UNLAD Scholarships covered the cost of school supplies, fees, and other necessary items for six students - one for every grade - selected by their home teachers based on financial need, academic performance and parental participation.

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BES Principal Dulce Ramirez wrote in a recent email: “We continue our modular classes with me and half of the teachers at school, everyday, to get the modules prepared and distributed to the students. I am very happy to let you know that 75% of our 1st Graders are reading! We are super busy right now, monitoring the students’ progress, grading and starting the 4th quarter, and then preparing for our virtual graduation in July. Our community continues to pray that this pandemic will end and the difficulty of teaching and learning in this environment can also end. In the meantime, once again, the leadership of BES would like to express our sincere gratitude to all who make up UNLAD. Thank you so much, God bless and stay safe always.”

We’ve also sustained our commitment to serve as Advocates for Save the Children Philippines (STCPh), working with STCPh staff and like-minded volunteers to create more effective strategies and programs aligned with UNLAD’s mission.

In the USA…

We’ve sustained our efforts to seek and provide opportunistic financial aid to students, including support for programs that promote diversity, inclusion and equity among the underserved and underrepresented, children of immigrants and first-generation Americans.


Going forward

As we find ourselves at the cusp of the “return to normal”, let’s be mindful of three important gifts that the pandemic/2020 gave us:  connectivity – authentic and heart-to-heart, regardless of whether we are /are not physically together; adaptabilitylooking beyond what felt “abnormal” and applying the good that we’ve learned; and receptivity– knowing that our hearts must be open to receive, as well as to give.  

We are grateful for your interest and support as we continue to endeavor, one small act at a time, to provide our underserved youth - in the US and the Philippines- with access to education. 

We always welcome hearing from you with your thoughts, ideas, comments and suggestions !

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